

Meet Maggie Michalczyk, RDN

Leafy Greens Guide, January – March, 2019

You want to eat right, create Pinterest worthy meals made up of trendy superfoods you see on Instagram, maintain your social life, workout as much as possible, and grow your side hustle without waiting for anything or any of it. Maggie’s the same way. She said bye to corporate America so that she could use her nutrition knowledge to empower people in and outside of the kitchen.

We originally partnered with Maggie in 2018 and knew she would be a great fit as a Leafy Greens Guide to all things kale! Whether delivering delicious recipe content, factual information on the benefits of kale, recipe videos or giveaways on social media, Maggie will be here to help guide you in 2019.

You can follow Maggie’s blog, Once Upon A Pumpkin here!





Leafy Greens Guide, April – June, 2019

Hi there! I’m Rachael, a registered dietitian who really, really, really loves food. My motto? If it looks good, eat it. That’s right, I eat everything with no food rules. Well, except for papaya. I really hate papaya. It’s my goal as a dietitian to help you live a life free of food rules too.

Overall, I have developed a peaceful relationship with food. But that wasn’t always the case.

My parents instilled a love of food in me at a young age – they were foodies before foodie was even in our vocabulary. They exposed me to lots of new flavors and cuisines. With the exception of a month-long stretch when I only ate foods starting with the letter “P,” I was a very typical eater.

Despite this, I fell victim to diet culture in my teenage years, thanks to a combination of anxiety, perfectionism, and poor body image. Later as a nutrition student, and then dietitian, the pressure to eat “perfectly” only grew more intense. While my eating habits looked like that of a normal college student on the outside, on the inside I was constantly wrapped up in shame over what I should or shouldn’t eat. Looking back, I feel grateful that it never spiraled into a more serious eating disorder. I really think it was my love of food that saved me, along with a deeply rooted understanding that food is more than fuel.

Thankfully, with my background in psychology, I quickly realized as I started working as a dietitian that rules, guidelines, and rigidity wasn’t the answer. The key to real health and wellness was dropping the obsession with the number on a scale, nurturing a healthy relationship with food, and making food choices from a place of nourishment and pleasure, not deprivation. I learned everything I could about intuitive eating, eating psychology, and body acceptance. That’s when I began to integrate these non-diet approaches into both my practice and my personal life. Somewhere along the way, I made peace with food.



Lindsey Janeiro

Leafy Greens Guide, July- September 2019

Hi, I’m Lindsey and I’m a registered dietitian helping busy people simplify and streamline their nutrition and healthy habits. Health and nutrition messages have become far too confusing and conflicting, so I bring it back to the basics with small, actionable steps that can make a big difference in health and quality of life. In my spare time, I love hanging out and exploring outside with my little family – my husband, my two-year-old daughter, and my baby boy.



Chelsey Amer

Leafy Greens Guide, October – December 2019

Chelsey Amer, M.S., R.D.N., C.D.N. is the owner of Chelsey Amer Nutrition, an online nutrition counseling and consulting business based in New York City where she helps make nutrition approachable. Chelsey helps women feel and look their best while getting in touch with their bodies and discovering how all foods can fit in a healthy lifestyle. When Chelsey is not working with her 1-on-1 clients, she develops tasty, food-allergy friendly recipes and photographs every bite for her healthy food blog on ChelseyAmerNutrition.com! Check out her new ebook, Thrive in 5, packed with 50 balanced 20-minute, 5-ingredient meals. See her on instagram too!